Disclaimer: Please ensure that all product details that matter to you (such as size, grade, quantity, design, etc.) are clearly stated in the product description. The seller will be held responsible for shipping items according to the description.
The bundle contains the following products:
Product #1 Title: New update of Layla order Juicy hoodie piece 16 piece £10.5 £168 Poly dress 1 piece (Bebe) £7 Juicy trousers 12 piece £9.5 £114 Morden pant 1 piece £6.8 Poly blouse 1 piece £6.2 Net sweater 1 piece (DKNY) £10.5 Baby doll 1 piece £6 Cotton cargo mini short 5 piece £6.8 £34 Denim mini skirts 2 piece £6.5 £13 DKNY jeans 1 piece £ 7 Rock revival denim mini short 1 piece £ 7 Denim mini short 1 piece £ 6.2 Cami tops 12 piece£ 6.2 £74.4p Cami tops 3 piece (Bebe) £7.1 £21.3 Cami tops 1 piece ( victoria secret) £_7.2 Guess y2k bags 10 pieces £20 £200 Discount £7.9 of previous orders refunds [ 23641/22, Total ££688.6 price Total pieces 69 (Okay? Make sure about the bags we are not responsible the bags are authentic or not.) Quantity: 69piece Price per unit: GBP 11.45971014492754 Grade: A/B/C